Monday, July 25, 2011

Hebrew, Week 3: Day 1 (Ft. Best Grilled Cheese in NJ)

Woke up this AM convinced I would fail my quiz. Wouldn't you know it, I got an 97.5%.  I'm noticing a trend here.  I don't seem to ever know what is going on, but somehow I am awesome at vocabulary.  Here's hoping the exams are closer to the quizzes than anything else. 
This weekend it was all about participles (sorry my beloved high school English teacher, but I didn't even know what "participle" meant).  Today, we've moved on to pronouns.  Hey, at least I know what those are!  We are moving forward everyday, but also circling back to pick up things we left along the way.  It is very fluid, which one just has to accept. 
At the first lunch for new students 2 weeks ago, the chapel chaplain Jan warned us of what she calls "Impostor Syndrome."  Basically, one with Impostor Syndrome sits through lecture feeling as though they are a total fake and that sooner or later others will notice.  Jan told us that we all feel this way and are NOT impostors...  I try to believe her, but I have a very bad case of this syndrome.  My precept-mates will tell you that I come to precept everyday convinced I don't understand.  The ones that sit close have also noticed that I've been getting okay grades when the quizzes come back.  Some may gather I'm faking my lack of understanding...
Here lies the problem: the quizzes are mostly based on vocabulary.  Ever since my days of acing French exams in high school, I've been really good at memorizing vocab.  I even got a perfect score on a final exam one year, only to be accused of cheating by some mean-girl classmates.  But in Hebrew, we are learning new concepts everyday and that is the part that is lost on me.  So, I can do well on quizzes and still have no idea what's up.  In the end, I won't be writing papers in Biblical Hebrew.  I'll be examining words that are already there... so hopefully it's okay that I struggle with sentence structure.  

Anyway, I promised the best grilled cheese in NJ.  Rather, it's a very good grilled cheese I made in NJ.

Garlicky Grilled Cheese on Sourdough

1 bulb of garlic
Olive oil
Smart Balance or butter
2 slices of good sourdough bread
Shredded Cheddar and Monterrey Jack

1. Roast the garlic by following the directions here.
2. Spread Smart Balance or butter on the outsides of the two slices of bread.
3. Spread the roasted garlic on the insides of the two slices of bread.
4. Sprinkle the cheese over one side of the bread smeared with the garlic.  Top off with the other side.  (C'mon, you all know this part.)
5. Toast/grill the sandwich over medium low heat until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is ooey gooey.  Serve with tomato soup, because that's the way it's done folks.

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